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Video Programmes for Secondary Level


Hindi (Subject Code 201)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Minutes
Hindi English
Ek Din Calendar Bola Reading This programme presents the importance and need of language-use in data organisation which can be expressed in different forms like Flowchart, pie chart, tree-diagram etc. Such forms of data organisation help in considerable savings in terms of time and energy. This has been brought out through an interaction between an office employee of a company and an imaginative character representing the viewpoint of a calendar. This is an effective way of communication. 29 Hindi 10.00 -

Urdu (Subject Code 206)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Minutes
Hindi English
Fiction 1 This programme deals with various forms of fiction in Urdu literature like Dastan, Novel Afsana etc. The expert explains various aspects i.e. plot, kirdar etc., common to Urdu fiction, called Dastan. An interactive session between the student participants and the urdu expert has been included in which the student asks questions on the subject of Urdu fiction. Works of popular writers like Prem Chand and Rajinder Singh Bedi are discussed in detail for the benefit of the learners. 1 Urdu 28.20 -
Ghazal 4 The programme is based on the history of Ghazal and its development. Ghazal is a popular form of Urdu poetry which is presented in a singing mode. Various legendary ghazal writers and poets like Mir, Daag are discussed in the programme to highlight various features related with Ghazal. 21 Urdu 28.38 -
Nazm 2 The programme presents an interactive classroom type situation involving experts in Urdu language and learners. A brief history of Nazm - a form of Urdu poetry has been discussed in the programme. Besides it, the work of both classical- Hali, Nazeer Akbarabadi etc.,and some of the present day exponents of this art form have also been highlighted in the programme. 8 Urdu 26.00 -
Urdu Hai Jis Ka Naam - The programme projects about the brief history of Urdu language and offers a glimpse of Urdu language course. To make it interesting, there is inclusion of Ghazal and a small play is also shown based on a chapter of the book. The whole exercise is to make the content student friendly. - Urdu 20.40 -

Mathematics (Subject Code 211)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Minutes
Hindi English
Profit and Loss Arithmetic This programme deals with three basic concepts-percentage, profit and loss and discount. It introduces these concepts with real life shots of shops and vendors. There are three solved examples. The programme ends with a numerical problem for the viewers. The programme poses three problems for the students and also shows how to solve them. 12 Hindi & English 12.00 10.20
Banking System Arithmetic This programme shows how a bank works. The programme contains live shots of various activities, which are normally carried out in a bank. Depicts the working of a bank. The concept of banking, various accounts, their special features and need have been explained. The need for computation of interest in a Savings Bank account has been explained Mathematical computation has also been explained using examples from daily life problems. The programme combines narration with computer graphics and dramatization in such a way that the three blend perfectly. 16 Hindi & English 17.37 17.00
Area Mensuration This programme explains the concept of area of a plane, its unit and its measurement. It also demonstrates why the square of 1 cm is an appropriate unit for measuring the area of plane figures. This programme includes formulae for calculating areas of some geometrical figures and the application of these concepts in three-dimensional contexts. The problem of computation of the area of the walls of a house has been demonstrated though activities. 27 Hindi & English 16.00 16.00
Geometry Around Us Geometry This programme is the first in the series of five video films on Geometry titled 'Basic Geometrical Concepts'. It justifies the study of Geometry, cites the various applications of Geometry in daily life and depicts the presence of Geometry in nature around us that appeals to our aesthetic sense. This programme deals with the use of Geometry and various geometrical shapes in construction of buildings, bridges, dams etc. It also highlights the use of geometry by craftsmen, potters, artisans and architects. 5 Hindi & English 16.00 16.00
Lines and Angles Geometry This programme deals with the meaning of lines, line segment, rays and their differences. This programme also shows drawing of lines and angles. This programme shows the application of lines and angles in different situations. The concept and application of parallel lines and perpendicular lines has also been shown in this programme. This programme also shows real life applications of parallel lines by focusing on railway lines & construction of buildings. 6 Hindi & English 13.00 13.00
Triangles Geometry This programme deals with one of the most important polygons viz. the Triangle. This programme shows the different properties of a triangle. It also shows its various applications. The programme also focuses on the different types of triangles. 20 Hindi & English 11.00 10.20
Congruency & Similarity Geometry This programme brings out the distinction between two very important concepts in Geometry, viz. the concept of congruency and similarity. Special properties of congruent and similar triangles have been explained in this programme. Activities like cutting and folding papers have been extensively used during the presentation to give clear visual inputs. 20 & 23 Hindi & English 15.00 15.10
A Quadrilateral Geometry This programme deals with the geometrical figure-Quadrilateral. The meaning, types and properties of quadrilaterals are all explained through activities and graphs. Specific properties of special types of quadrilaterals have also been explained in this programme. 21 Hindi & English 13.28 13.28
Circle Geometry This programme deals with a very common geometrical figure, the circle. The circle has fascinated mathematicians from times immemorial. The circle is one of the simplest geometrical figures with the widest possible use in our daily life. The unique feature of this film is the variety of common place examples of the use of the circle, its properties and special features. The example of the road being tangential to the wheel of a moving vehicle (bus) is included as an example of the application of the abstract mathematical concept of tangents. 24 Hindi & English 14.00 14.40
Real Number Algebra This programme reviews rational numbers and creates the need for real numbers. It is an activity based programme in which real numbers are also defined, their properties explained with examples and numerical problems are also solved. Computer graphics and animation are used to make the programme lively and enjoyable. 1 Hindi & English 14.00 11.55
Statistics through Graphs Statistics This programme introduces one of the most widely applied branches of Mathematics, viz. Statistics. The programme explains the need for studying statistics. The programme explains the basis of statistics, its terminology and special features. The use of various statistical diagrams, their construction and interpretations have also been highlighted in the programme. 31 Hindi & English 15.00 15.20
Rational Number Algebra This is the second programme on number system. This programme reviews integers and highlights the need for fractions. The extension of number system to rational number is done as the basis of the concept of fraction. The whole film proceeds with computer graphics and animated figures. 1 Hindi & English 13.05 12.50
Integers Algebra This programme is about the need of numbers in our daily life. This programme deals with the different stages of the expansion of number system i.e. from natural numbers to integers. This programme also explains the basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through various examples. 1 Hindi & English 11.30 11.10
Computer - An Introduction Computing This programme justifies the study of computers and cites the various applications of computers in daily life. It explains the various stages of the development of computers and highlights various types of computers. The names of persons who are responsible for this remarkable gift to mankind have also been mentioned. 33 Hindi & English 11.40 09.45
Algorithm & Flow Chart Computing This is the second programme on computers. This programme highlights the role of flow charts in feeding instructions & information into the computer in a particular order so that the computer functions in the right direction. The unique feature of this programme is the way the concept of flow chart has been described with the help of various examples and activities. This programme also shows the characteristics of various programming language. 34 Hindi & English 10.55 10.45
Volume and Surface Area Mensuration This programme deals with the application of formulae to find out volume and surface area of solids of different sizes and shapes in our daily life. This programme combines computer graphics with the presentation and group activities of children to show how these concepts are useful in our daily life. This programme also shows why a cube of side 1 cm is used as the standard unit for measuring volume. 28 Hindi & English 14.50 14.40
Pythagoras Theorem Geometry This programme deals with a basic figure in geometry i.e. triangle. This programme deals with a very interesting property of a right-angled triangle, the property given by Pythagoras. With the help of this property we can find the height of all mountain peaks, distances between stars and their sizes. The use of this property has been shown with the help of some examples. 20 Hindi & English 12.20 12.40
Statistics Statistics In this programme we learn how and why information is collected. The area of Mathematics dealt with in this programme shows various ways in which we can process data to get the much-desired information. This has wide applications in our daily life. This programme combines narration with dramatization in a very interesting way. The terminology and special features of the study of Statistics are also covered. 31 Hindi & English 17.30 16.40
Height & Distance Trigonometry In this programme we have been shown how the values of T-Ratios for angles are found and how they are used to find unknown heights & distances. This programme also shows how "Scientific Computer" is used for finding these values. It also shows how to use Clinometer to measure an angle. The angles of depression & elevation have also been explained through various examples using animated figures. 30 Hindi & English 13.50 13.55
Trigonometry an Introduction Trigonometry This programme deals with the application of Phythagoras theorem and other properties of a triangle in our day-to-day life. Its applications have been demonstrated by taking some common examples like finding the height of a pole without climbing it, but with the help of the properties of a triangle. Many great mathematicians like Aryabhatt and Bhaskaracharya have used these properties to find many important results. Here, all the ratios and the relations between the sides and angles of right angle triangle have been shown with the help of computer graphics. A few trigonometric identities have also been covered. 29 Hindi & English 15.50 16.25

Science & Technology (Subject Code 212)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Minutes
Hindi English
Our Food Life Processes This programme highlights the importance of food in providing energy and strength for keeping our body fit and healthy. Besides highlighting the dependence of animals and human beings on plants for food, the importance of the sun, air and water for making food has also been highlighted. The muscular system, nervous system, excretory system, circulatory and the digestive system of the human body have been explained along with the functions of the organs of these systems. The chemical composition of food as proteins, fats, carbohydrates are dealt with in detail with suitable examples. Sources and functions of different types of food highlighting have also been described in this programme. The cause and prevention of different types of deficiency and malnutritional diseases have also been covered. Besides the importance of personal hygiene, food habits and other sanitary conditions, the programme has touched upon the causes and prevention of various diseases like cholera, typhoid, jaundice etc. 25 & 31 Hindi & English 25.00 25.00
Let's Measure Length Measurement in Science and Technology This programme deals with standardisation of units and highlights the concepts of the least count of different scales for measurement of length. The main focus of the programme is on the description of construction, working and principle of vernier callipers and the screw gauge. The importance of the least count and the zero error of these instruments have been highlighted. The methods of using these instruments and recording the final reading have also been explained. 1 Hindi & English 18.00 17.35
Man & Environment Our Environment and Natural Resources The programme begins with the living and non-living constituents of our environment. The importance of environment for our survival and the uniqueness of the planet earth for sustaining life has been highlighted. The life sustaining conditions have also been mentioned in the programme. The constituents of biosphere such as hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere have been described in the programme. The ecosystem with special reference to biotic and a biotic components has been explained with live examples. The food chain, food web and the energy flow have also been described. The importance of food chain in maintaining natural balance has been emphasised. Besides describing the hazardous effects of environment pollution, the possible precautionary measures to control environmental pollution have also been suggested in the programme. 17 & 22 Hindi & English 14.20 14.40
Pendulum Measurement in Science Technology The programme starts with a number of examples of oscillatory motion in our daily life. The programme describes the experiments performed with the help of a pendulum. The first experiment is to find the time period of different amplitudes. In the second experiment, the time period has been computed for different lengths of the pendulum and the third experiment shows that the time period of a pendulum is independent of the mass of the job. The programme concludes with the findings of these experiments. Emphasis is given on need of the exact and accurate length and time measurements. 1 Hindi & English 14.56 15.45
Atmospheric Pressure Our Environment and Natural Resources This programme is about atmospheric pressure and its applications in our daily life. With the help of an experiment, the film explains that anything that has weight pushes or presses other things. Besides highlighting the factors affecting atmospheric pressure, the programme also displays the units and the instruments used for measuring atmospheric pressure. Live shots as well as diagrams and animation have been used to enrich the programme. 18 Hindi & English 11.35 11.18
Electric Current Energy Around Us This programme starts with an introduction to electric current or electricity. Two experiments are performed in the beginning to explain electrons and their flow. The middle part of the programme attracts the viewer's to the Coulomb's Law and its applications. The programme also highlights some conductors of current and some non-conducting substances. The concept of resistance and unit of current have also been explained. Definitions, diagrams and equations have been displayed through graphics and animations. 12 Hindi & English 12.30 12.15
Electromagnetism Energy Around Us This programme is an introduction to electromagnetism and electricity, which we use for our domestic purposes. In the first half of the programme electromagnetism has been introduced by three experiments. The generation of electricity due to the motion of a magnet and its applications have been highlighted. For this, some domestic appliances like electric motor, fan and generator have been introduced. The working principle and uses of electric generator have been highlighted. The second half of the programme deals with domestic wiring and electricity. Various types of wires and household circuit are shown as examples in this regard. Some appliances of common use like electric bulb, electric iron, immersion heater with diagrams and graphics have also been introduced to explain how they use electric energy. 13 Hindi & English 10.35 11.00
Description of Motion Motion and its Description The basic concept of motion has been described in the programme. The difference between rest and motion has been explained the terms like distance displacement, speed and velocity are explained with the help of examples. Further, with the help of live visuals, graphics and animation, uniform and non-uniform motions have been differentiated. Before concluding, the programme explains acceleration and retardation with the help of live examples and offers a recap of the programme. 7 Hindi & English 14.30 13.40
Communication Technology and Communications As the title suggests, this programme deals with the means of communication and highlights various theories of communication. This programme depicts the different types of means of communication including symbols and emotions. Besides marking differences between verbal and non-verbal communication, the programme also displays some instruments through which communication is possible. The programme also explains the concepts like wavelength, frequency, amplitude and electromagnetic waves. 34 Hindi & English 16.00 16.35
Nuclear Energy Energy Around Us This programme explains the meaning of nuclear energy, its uses and importance with the help of familiar examples. Nuclear reactions like-nuclear fission and fusion, and the principle of nuclear reactor constitute the main focus of the programme. A brief introduction to the status of nuclear energy in India has also been given in the programme. The harmful effects of nuclear energy have also been described. Towards the end of the programme, the problem of disposal of the nuclear waste has also been explained. The programme concludes with a recap of the programme. 14 Hindi & English 15.17 14.50
Energy Energy Around Us This programme begins with a definition of energy. The programme also talks of different kinds of energy. The programme explains each type of energy with suitable examples and explains kinetic energy, potential energy, radiation energy, magnetic energy and chemical energy. At the end the programme illustrates a few natural resources from which energy is drawn. 9 Hindi & English 14.40 14.40
Tele-communication Technology and Communications This programme is about the different types of waves used for communication. To begin with a radio panel has been displayed to indicate medium waves, short waves, frequency modulation etc. Some instruments which use electromagnetic waves for communication have also been highlighted. The programme also talks about video and sound signals and their methods of recording. The working of telephone and other wireless devices have also been explained. At the end the programme throws light on some advanced technologies of communication like computer and compact disc. 34 Hindi & English 17.40 17.40
Universe The Universe and Our Earth The programme starts with an explanation of day and night and different seasons and relates them to different types of motions of the earth. Further, it throws light on the different phases of the moon. Lunar and solar eclipses have been explained with illustrations and live visuals. Different types of constellations have also been described. Further, while differentiating between stars and planets, a brief description of the nine planets of the solar family has also been given with the help of animated visuals. The programme also deals with other heavenly bodies e.g. asteroids, meteorites and comets. The programme concludes with a summary of the whole programme. 15 Hindi & English 15.30 16.00
Motion of Molecules Life Processes, Natural Resources This programme is intended to explains the nature of movement of a molecule.The programme starts with a form of diffusion.This has been demonstrated in air as well as in water.
The second part of the programme shows the involvement of such movements in food and O2 molecules in the cells and the elimination of wastes i.e. elimination of CO2 from the cell. Then there are shots explaining an experiment on potato in which the flow of water molecules becomes evident as a result of osmosis. Similar results have also been shown in raisins when they are kept in water.
Towards the end, the programme shows the nature of fluids with regard to their viscosity by taking several examples like petrol, mobil oil etc. and finally a comparision the between the movements of objects in a factory and the movement of molecules has been shown.
26, 18 Hindi & English 11.23 09.55
Human Reproduction Life Processes This programme starts emphasising that all organisms must reproduce for maintenance of their species.
The second part of the programme describes the various parts of the male and the female reproductive system. Following this is the processes of formation and production of the ovum, which have been shown in relation to the menstrual cycle in females.
Next part of the programme shows the various steps in fertilisation, development and growth of the foetus. A special depiction is made in the film on the basis of the determination of sex of the child.
Towards the end, several aspects of a pregnant mother have been shown with regard to the proper environment and nourishment etc. and also aims to suggest the right age group of females for having children and the importance of family planning and methods for achieving the same.
29 Hindi & English 12.53 13.50
Our Food Life Processes This programme highlights the importance of food in providing energy and strength for keeping our body fit and healthy. Besides highlighting the dependence of animals and human beings on plants for food, the importance of the sun, air and water for making food has also been highlighted. The muscular system, nervous system, excretory system, circulatory and the digestive system of the human body have been explained along with the functions of the organs of these systems. The chemical composition of food as proteins, fats, carbohydrates are dealt with in detail with suitable examples. Sources and functions of different types of food highlighting have also been described in this programme. The cause and prevention of different types of deficiency and malnutritional diseases have also been covered. Besides the importance of personal hygiene, food habits and other sanitary conditions, the programme has touched upon the causes and prevention of various diseases like cholera, typhoid, jaundice etc. 25 & 31 Hindi & English 25.00 25.00
Skeleton Muscles and Movement Life Processes This programme highlights the needs of the locomotary system in the animal world. The programme begins with showing varieties of animals. Each one is in an active phase of movement either for food or for protection against enemies.
The second part of the programme explains the need of the skeleton to give shape to the body and to provide attachment to muscles.
The programme also shows the differences between bone and cartilage and also explains various kinds of joints and muscles.
Towards the end, This programme shows the working of these muscles in movement and in various postures, as well as highlights the need of maintaining proper posture during various activities.
28 Hindi & English 12.20 11.00
Agricultural Practices Agricultural practices and Animal Husbandry This programme throws light on those scientific, agricultural practices, which are necessary to increase our food production. Various methods and techniques to increase production have also been explained and each part of those methods have been highlighted. Toward, the end the programme emphasizes that scientific agricultural practices are the only means for achieving success in better food production. 32 Hindi & English 12.12 12.30
Animal Husbandry Agricultural practices and Animal Husbandry This programme depicts the uses of animals. The main focus of the programme is on classification of animals. The programme shows different types of sheds for different types of animals, which protect them from heat, cold, rain etc. This programme also shows prevention of various diseases like viral, bacterial and fungal. 32 Hindi & English 12.08 12.30
Material Around Us Man Made Materials and Environmental Process This programme begins by distinguishing between natural and man-made materials with sufficient number of examples of such materials. Then it serially explains some materials of common use e.g. glass, cement and materials for clothing like cotton, wool, silk, nylon etc. Further it highlights monomers and polymer. Several other materials like paints, soaps, detergents have also been described highlighting effects on pollution. Petroleum products, their uses and harmful effects have also been described with examples. The materials used in the field of medicines and in agriculture like fertilizers and insecticides have also been highlighted. Finally the programme concludes with a message to conserve the natural resources. 21 Hindi & English 11.00 11.00
Wonders of Radio Activity Energy Around Us This programme begins with elucidation of the phenomenon of radioactivity in its entirety. The programme goes on to demonstrate the uses of radioactivity in various areas such as medicine, archaeology and other basic and applied sciences. The programme also highlights the pioneering contributions made by scientists like Henry Becqueral, who discovered radioactivity and Nobel prize winner Madam Curie in the field of radioactivity. 14 Hindi & English 13.47 13.40

Social Science (Subject Code 213)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Minutes
Hindi English
Contribution of Ancient Civilization Evolution of Human Civilization The programme documents a very important phase of human history, marked by the emergence of the Bronze Age civilization of the Indus Valley, China, Egypt and Sumer . Starting with a brief overview of the specific geographical and socio-cultural traits, the programme highlights the unique contributions of these civilizations in the field of science, arts, crafts and culture. 1 Hindi & English 10.25 10.42
Population, Environment & Quality of Life Population: our Greatest Resource, Contemporary India : Issues and Challenges The programme depicts how man has exploited nature for his own survival. However, the ways and means adopted by modern man in order to satisfy his ever increasing needs and wants, in the era of booming population, have led to over exploitation and depletion of the natural resource base of the Earth. The resultant paucity of resources, coupled with their unequal distribution among socio-economic groups in human societies, are among the major contributory factors for rising trends in poverty, hunger, diseases, unemployment, crime-rate and other such social evils in a developing country like India. This programme delves deep into such issues and suggests corrective measures needed to alleviate the situation. 14, 34 Hindi & English 09.52 11.00
Utilisation and Management of Natural Resources India : Natural Environment, Resources and Development This programme expresses deep concern about over-exploitation of the natural resources in the face of increasing demands of rapidly rising human population. It suggests ways and means that need to be adopted to achieve efficient management of the natural reserves of our planet, so as to ensure their availability for the present and future generations. 7-13 Hindi & English 09.55 10.34
Interaction between Man & Environment Contemporary India : Issues and Challenges This programme dwells on different patterns of interaction between man and environment. To illustrate how man has been living with his natural surroundings, given the environmental and cultural constraints, the programme shows how the tribal people in various countries of the world have, over the years, learned to adapt and adjust with their natural habitats. The programme also shows how modern man, on the other hand, has learned to mould nature according to his own needs and requirements by constructing dams and canals, making deserts green and creating high tech living environs even in harsh inhabitable natural regions such as the Antarctica. 34 Hindi & English 07.45 07.20
Religions of India India : People, Society and Culture Indian philosophy and thought have inspired great Philosophers, Scientists, and Artists all over the world. This programme attempts to inform and educate the young generation about the unique features and essence of our religions, which have a universal appeal. It highlights salient characteristics of religions of India viz. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism etc. Actual footage of tribal worship has been utilised to highlight religious practices of the tribal people. 16 Hindi & English 20.30 20.40
Cultural Heritage of India India : People, Society and Culture Indian philosophy and thought have inspired great philosophers, scientists and artists all over the world. This programme highlights our cultural achievements from ancient to modern times in the fields of science, medicine, astronomy, metallurgy, art and architecture, and literature. The purpose of the programme is to educate the learners about the unique features that form the essence of our culture and civilisation and which have universal appeal and relevance. Homage is also paid to the brave soldiers who fought for the freedom of India . 16 Hindi & English 26.00 26.00
We Govern Ourselves Democracy at Work This programme on Governance relates to the subject of Political Science and is intended for learners of the Senior Secondary level. It presents an inter-active classroom session involving a class teacher and her students, through which we get to know how the representatives of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies are elected. - Hindi & English 12.38 12.10

Business Studies (Subject Code 215)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Minutes
Hindi English
Dak Ghar Bacchat Yojanaye Service Sector and Business This programme on the subject of Business Studies is prepared basically for learners at Secondary level. This programme aims to appraise the learners and general public about various Savings Schemes of Post Office and their benefits. 13 Hindi 21.00 -

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