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Video Programmes for Senior Secondary level


English (Subject Code 302)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Nosy Affair Listening & Speaking Skills This programme deals with some of those phrases in the English language that use the human nose in a figurative sense to convey a meaning. It depicts situations that highlight usage of expressions such as Paying through the nose, Poking the nose, to effectively drive home a point of discussion, argument and other forms of interaction. The objective of this programme is to encourage learners to use such phrases in daily speech so as to make communication crisp and effective. Mod. 3 English - 10.00
Introducing Yourself in different Situations Listening & Speaking Skills This programme depicts several ways of introducing ourselves in formal and informal situations. The programme enacts real life situations like interviews, social gatherings etc., to convey appropriate ways of introducing ourselves. It depicts characters representing varying age groups and with different regional (Indian) accents. The objective of this programme is to expose learners to appropriate ways of self-introduction in their daily life. Mod. 3 English - 13.30

Mathematics (Subject Code 311)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Coordinate Geometry-I Coordinate Geometry This programme on Co-ordinate Geometry will help learners gain a clear insight into the concepts involved. After viewing the programme the learners will be able to know the history of co-ordinate geometry. They will also be able to relate the concepts involved in Co-ordinate Geometry to their real life situations. 23 Hindi & Eng. 23.42 26.57
Coordinate Geometry-II Coordinate Geometry This programme discusses the equations of straight lines under different conditions and the conditions of parallelism and perpendicularity of two lines. Computer graphics have been used to make it interesting. 24 Hindi & Eng. 30.00 27.03
Matrix & Operation on Matrices Determinants and Matrices This programme on the subject of Mathematics is prepared basically for learners at Senior Secondary level. The programme depicts situations involving interactions between three friends, who try to solve problems related with matrix. This programme will help the learners to arrange large number of data in matrix form. Three algebraic operations viz. addition, subtraction & multiplication between matrices are also explained through discussion between three friends. 6 & 7 Hindi & Eng. 20.00 22.00

Physics (Subject Code 312)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Mechanical Energy Motion, Force and Energy This programme serves to complement the relevant lessons in the course and presents the topics in a lively and interesting way. The basic concepts of work power and energy have been explained with the help of activities. In order to clarify the phenomenon of conservation of energy, working models available in the National Science Centre have also been shown. The work done by a constant and a variable force has been described with the help of real life situations to enunciate the types of energy-kinetic and potential. Some practical experiments, animation, and diagrams have been included for visualisation. 6 Hindi & Eng. 13.55 13.50
Surface Tension Properties of Matter This programme complements the relevant lessons in the Senior Secondary course. The programme is based on daily life activities and small experiments are conducted under the guidance of experts. Besides explaining the concept of surface energy of a liquid through experiments/activities, animation etc., certain important phenomena such as capillary effect, floating of a mosquito on water have been depicted to show the effects and application of surface tension. Several other important applications of the phenomenon of surface tension have also been depicted in this programme. 9 Hindi & Eng. 17.30 16.33

Chemistry (Subject Code 313)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Rate of Chemical Reaction Chemical Dynamics This programme begins with an exposition on chemical processes that explain common chemical processes such as rusting of Iron and ripening of fruits. The programme then goes on to demonstrate the effects of factors such as temperature, concentration of chemical reactants, surface tension, catalysts etc. on the rate of chemical reaction which forms an important area of study in Chemistry. 12 Hindi & Eng. 13.30 13.28
The Mole Concept Atoms, Molecules and Stoichiometry This programme clarifies the concept of mole with the help of demonstrations of chemical reactions. The programme also deals with how to calculate the number of moles of a substance. The programme concludes with a brief description of the uses of molar mass followed by a summary of the concepts discussed in the programme. This programme explains the meaning of Avogardo Number 3 the programme describes the molar masses of different chemical substances with the help of demonstration. 2 Hindi & Eng. 14.43 14.45

Biology (Subject Code 314)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Respiration in Human Gaseous Exchange and Elimination of Wastes This programme is aimed at strengthening the knowledge of learners regarding breathing and respiration in human beings. This programme depicts functioning of the human respiratory system, and differentiates between breathing and respiration. The cellular respiration involving the actual utilisation of oxygen inside the body cells has been described in the programme. The exchange of respiratory gases in the lungs and then their transport to the cells, have been shown through animations, charts and diagrams. 19 Hindi & Eng. 26.14 28.49

Geography (Subject Code 316)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Migration Human Resources and their Development in India This programme delves into the process of migration. In this programme comparison is made between the migration of birds and human beings. This is a docu-drama of two young men who came to Delhi in search of Jobs. They came from far flung rural areas. The programme depicts various problems confronted by migrants like searching for house, Jobs etc, adapting to local environment like congestion, over crowding etc. 26 Hindi & Eng. 13.47 13.40
The Mysteries of the Interior Earth Changing Face of the Planet Earth This programme on the subject of Geography is prepared for learners at the Senior Secondary level. It aims to show the relationship of earthquakes and volcanoes with present relief features of the earth through effective use of animation, live footage and still photographs. 8 Hindi & Eng. 13.08 12.27
Mysteries Under the Sea The Domains of Water on the Planet Earth This programme on the subject of Geography is prepared for learners at the Senior Secondary level. This programme aims to show the diversity of relief features on the earth surface and under the water. The variety in submarine relief features is also effectively brought out with deft use of animation and live under water footage. 6 Hindi & Eng. 14.52 15.05

Economics (Subject Code 318)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Money Supply The Government and the Indian Economy This programme deals with the supply of money in a state. The need and importance of money, role of the R.B.I. and its functions, control over the supply of money in the market, control of the commercial banks, its deposit and lending activities have been clearly explained. This programme enhances students understanding of the topic which is also contained in the course material. 22 Hindi & Eng. 20.20 26.30

Commerce (Subject Code 319)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Business Around Us Introduction to Business This programme starts with a classification of Economic Activities and Non-Economic Activities. Proceeding with all live visuals, the programme acquaints the viewers with different types of businessmen like producers, wholesalers, transporters, packers, storekeepers and their roles in running the chain of business right from production of goods to delivery of goods to the consumer. 1 Hindi & Eng. 15.00 15.00
Nature and Scope of Business Introduction to Business, Business Environment This programme deals with three basic occupations i.e. profession, employment and business and acquaints the viewers with their features. A professional with specialised knowledge in his respective field can earn income by rendering service to other people with definite codes of conduct. In the same way an employee will work for others on certain terms and conditions to get income. Business involves exchange of goods and services on regular basis and undertakes risk with the objective of earning profits. Proceeding with live visuals, the programme throws light on the relationship between profession, employment and business. Lastly, the programme introduces trade and the services that support trade. At the concluding part, the viewers see that no business activity can be carried out in isolation. The basic three occupations are interdependent. 1/1 Hindi & Eng. 15.00 15.00
Planning - An Element of Management Management of Business This programme deals with how to plan business activities and implement them so as to reach the satisfactory level of achievement. This programme shows how planning is important to almost anyone in society. Whether it is a schoolboy planning his career or a businessman planning to earn profits the goals or objectives should be clear and practically attainable. Availability of resources is a must for performing any activity. This programme shows how planning involves establishing objectives, identifying alternatives, evaluating the alternatives and choosing the best among them for implementation in a systematic way. 12 Hindi & Eng. 15.00 14.28
Motivation Management of Business This programme emphasises the need of motivation. Motivation is the process whereby an individual is given an opportunity or encouraged by his/her superior/manager to behave in a desired manner. In order to motivate people, it is necessary to identify the unsatisfied needs of the people and to give them incentives either monetary (increment, bonus, medical allowance, etc.) or non-monetary (recognition of work, grant of higher status etc.) incentives as per the requirement. At the concluding part, the programme concentrates the viewers' attention on self-motivation. 15 Hindi & Eng. 15.00 14.50
Self-Employment Career Opportunities in Business/Business as a Career This programme categorizes employed people into two groups. One is the self-employed, that is those individuals who employ themselves either in producing goods or rendering services for a price. On the other hand, there are the wage-employed people, like teachers, factory workers and manager,. They get their income by providing their services to other people on certain terms and conditions. The programme throws light on the resources, which are necessary for self-employment, like economic, physical, technological and human resources. Before the end, the programme takes a turn to appreciate "entrepreneurship". In the concluding part, the programme compares both the employment and specifies self-employment. 29/4 Hindi & Eng. 15.00 14.45

Psychology (Subject Code 328)

Title Module Description Lesson
Language Duration in Mts.
Eng Hindi
Little People on the Move Human Development This programme on the subject of Psychology is prepared for learners at Senior Secondary level. It aims to give a through exposition on growth and development of a child through suitable visuals, interviews, supplemented with computer graphics, expert opinion etc. 12 Hindi & Eng. 18.00 21.00
The Mysteries of human Behaviour Fundamental of Behaviour This programme deals with the subject of Psychology and explains the human brain, the nervous system and its functioning. The cause - effect relationship between a person's behaviour and his surroundings is effectively brought out in the programme. Different moods of happiness, sorrow etc., are effectively expressed through the medium of mime. 3 Hindi & Eng. 17.00 17.00
Adolescence Human Development This programme deals with the subject of Psychology and depicts various factors and changes associated with adolescence. The physiological changes and its effects on an adolescent boy or girl are well explained by a psychologist. 15 Hindi & Eng. 26.00 26.00

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