NewgoodMinistry of Education (MoE) invites applications for the post of Chairperson, NIOS.    NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

On Line Courses offered under Vocational Education Programme

   NIOS LIVE VideoYoutube link 

S.No. Course Code Name of The Course You tube Video YouTube Link (Sign Language) Training Schedule


1 730 & 731 Certificate in Artificial Intelligence,Data Analytics and Machine Learning PDF File Opens in a new window - - -
2 732 & 733 Certificate in Data Science PDF File Opens in a new window - - -

NSQF Compliance Course

1 640 Beauty Therapy Theory (4209 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window Youtube link - -
2. 650 Beekeeping Theory (English) PDF File Opens in a new window Hindi PDF File Opens in a new window

Beekeeping Practical (English) PDF File Opens in a new window

Youtube link   - -
3 642 Hand and Foot Care Theory (3425 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Hand and Foot Care Practical (220 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

--- - -
4 652 Paddy Farming Theory (English) PDF File Opens in a new window  Hindi PDF File Opens in a new window 

Paddy Farming Practical (449 KB)  Opens in a new window PDF File 

- - -
5.  660

Web Development  -Theory  PDF File Opens in a new window
Web Development -Practcal  PDF File Opens in a new window

Web Development  -Theory (Hindi) PDF File Opens in a new window
Web Development -Practcal (Hindi) PDF File Opens in a new window


- - -
6.  661

CRM Domestic Voice -(661)  PDF FileOpens in a new window 

CRM Domestic Voice -(661) (Hindi)PDF FileOpens in a new window

Youtube link   - -
7.  663

Computer Hardware Assembly and Maintenance -Theory  ZIP File

Computer Hardware Assembly and Maintenance -Theory  (Hindi)ZIP File

- - -
8.  641

Hair Care and Style NSQF Level -3 ZIP File English

Hair Care and Style NSQF Level -3 Practical Manual ZIP File English

- - -

Handloom Weaving Course

1. 668 Fibre to Fabric  PDF FileEng    PDF FileHindi - - -
2. 669 Handloom Weaving  PDF FileEng    PDF File  Hindi - - -
3. 670 Design Development  PDF FileEng   PDF FileHindi - - -
4. 671 Dyeing and Printing  PDF FileEng  PDF File Hindi - - -
5. 672 Entrepreneurship for Handloom Weavers PDF FileEng  PDF FileHindi - - -

Other Course

1. 612 Beauty Culture and Hair Care 

Beauty Culture and Hair Care (Practical) ZIP File

- - -
    Beauty Culture and Hair Care (Theory) ZIP File English  ZIP File Hindi - - -
3. 352

कृषि उत्पादन  के लिए जल  प्रबध (हिन्दी) ZIP File

Water Management for Crop Production ZIP File English

Water Management for Crop Production 
- - -
4. 353  शुक्ति मशरूम उत्पादन   ZIP File - - -
5. 251 Jute Utpadan Technology ZIP File - - -
6. 605/606  705-706 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making ZIP File English  ZIP File Urdu - - -
7. 363

Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables ZIP File English

 फल एव सब्जियों के परीक्षण   ZIP File Hindi  ZIP File Urdu

- - -
8. 462 Dress Designing  (मॉड्यूल)  बच्चो के परिधान ZIP File  Hindi ZIP FileEnglish - - -
9. 461

Dress Designing  (मॉड्यूल) मूलभूत  (सिलाई कौशल) ZIP File Hindi ZIP File English

Dress DesigningPDF File

- - -
10. 464 Dress Designing (मॉड्यूल) पुरूषो की परिधान ZIP File Hindi ZIP File  English - - -
11 257-I

Welding Technology ZIP File English  ZIP File Hindi

Welding TechnologyPDF File

- - -
12 257-I & II Welding Technology 257 (1 -2) ZIP File - - -
13 709/710

Refrigration And Airconditioning ZIP File Eng

प्र्शीतल एव वातानुकूलन   ZIP File Hindi

- - -
14 623/723 Four Wheeler Mechanism (English) ZIP File Urdu ZIP File - - -
15. 624/724

Four Wheeler Mechanism ZIP File English  ZIP File Urdu

मोटर वाहन  इंजिन यंत्रिकी (हिन्दी) ZIP File

- - -
16. 439/440/441

Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (Eng) ZIP File  Hindi  ZIP File Urdu ZIP File

Certificate in Early Childhood Care and EducationPDF File

- - -
17. 452-455

Basic Rural Technology Practical (Manual) (English) ZIP File (Hindi) ZIP File

Basic Rural Technology 
- - -
18. 603,604,703,704 Radio & T.V Technician (English)  ZIP File  Hindi ZIP File - - -
19. 629 Welding and Metal Fabrication (Hindi) ZIP File - - -
20. 614

Certificate in Yog (Hindi) ZIP File

Certificate in Yog (English) ZIP File

- - -
21. 666

PanchKarma Assistant  ZIP File English ZIP File Hindi

PanchKarma Assistant PDF File

Youtube link   - -
22. 631 Certificate in Computer and office Applications   ZIP File English  - - -
23. 445  मूलभूत जीव विज्ञान (भाग -1) ZIP File - - -
24. 446  व्र्द्धावस्था  के पहलू (भाग -2) ZIP File - - -
25. 447  ्र्द्धाजनो के समान्य देखभाल ओर विशेष (भाग -3)ZIP File - - -
26. 448 व्र्द्धा जनो के योग (भाग -4) ZIP File - - -
27. 416 Certificate in Toy Making & Joyful Learning(English) ZIP File Hindi ZIP File - - -
. 417 Certificate in Toy Making & Joyful Learning(English) ZIP File Hindi ZIP File - - -
. 418 Certificate in Toy Making & Joyful Learning(English) ZIP File Hindi  ZIP File - - -
. 416,417,418 Certificate in Toy Making & Joyful Learning (Practical Manual )(English) ZIP File - - -
28. 218 Typewriting (English) PDF File Eng   - - -
29.  253

Solar Energy Technician  ZIP File English

Sor Urja  TechnicianPDF File  Hindi

- - -
30.  254  Bio gas Urja Technisian ZIP File Hindi ZIP File  English  - - -
31. 355  Electro- Plating ZIP File Hindi   ZIP File English - - -
32. 451  Community_Health ZIP File Youtube link   - -
33. 611

 Plumbing and Senitation ZIP File Hindi    ZIP File  English

Plumbing and SenitationPDF File

- - -
34. 620

Certificate in Construction Supervision (Civil)  ZIP File Hindi  ZIP File English

Construction Supervision (Civil) 
- - -
35. 652 Paddy Farming ZIP File English - - -
36. 623-723  Certificate Course in Four Wheeler Chassis Mechanisms (Motor Vahan)  ZIP File Hindi     ZIP File Urdu - - -
37. 419 Footwear Design & Production ZIP File English - - -
38. 420 Footwear & Design ZIP File English - - -
39. 471 - 473 Diploma in Medical Imaging and Technology (Module 4 -6) ZIP File English - - -
40. 421 Footwear Design & Production ZIP File English - - -
41. 412 Secretarial Procedure ZIP File English - - -
42. 413 Computer Application in Office ZIP File English - - -
43. 414 Business Communication ZIP File English - - -
44. 622

Cetificate_in_Web_Designing_and_Development ZIP File English

Cetificate_in_Web_Designing_and_DevelopmentPDF File
- - -
45. 716

Footwear Design & Production  Module 1 ZIP File Hindi

 Footwear Design & Production  Module 2 ZIP File  Hindi

Footwear Design & Production  Module 3 ZIP File  Hindi

- - -
46. 411

 Certificate in Care of the Elderly  (General Care And Specific Need of the Elderly) ZIP File English

- - -
47. 415

 Shorthand Writing ZIP File English

- - -
48. 430 -435

 Diploma In Radiography ZIP File English

- - -
49. 449 -450

 Certificate Course in Community Health  Theory ZIP File English   ZIP File  (Theory/Practical) Hindi

English Theory Book

 Certificate Course in Community Health  Pratical ZIP File English

Youtube link - -
50. 713

 दु पहिया वाहन यंत्रिकी  ZIP File  Hindi  ZIP File  Urdu

Certificate in Two Wheeler Mechanism ZIP File English   

- - -
51. 721-722

 Certificate Course in Ayurvedic Therapy  ZIP File English ZIP File  Hindi

- - -
52. 718 -719

 Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing  ZIP FileEnglish ZIP File Hindi

- - -
53. 325 - 425, 329

 Stenography  ZIP FileEnglish ZIP File Urdu

- - -
54. 326 -426

 Secreterial Practice  ZIP FileEnglish ZIP File  Hindi

- - -
55. 323 -423

 Typewriting  ZIP FileEnglish

- - -
56. 410

 Certificate in Care of the Elderly (CCE) Aspects of ageing  ZIP FileEnglish

- - -
57. 665

 Ayurveda Assistant  ZIP FileEnglish  ZIP File Hindi

- - -
58. 477

 Bio-Chemestry  ZIP FileEnglish

- - -
59. 653

 Poultry Farming  ZIP FileHindi  ZIP File English(old)

 Poultry FarmingPDF File

- - -
60. 409

 Certificate in Care of the Elderly (Basic Life Sciences)  ZIP FileEnglish

- - -
61. 252

 Carpentry  ZIP FileEnglish  ZIP FileHindi

- - -
62 255

 laundry service  ZIP FileHindi

- - -
63. 256

 Bakery and Confectionery  ZIP FileEnglish ZIP File Urdu

Bakery and Confectionery 
- - -
64. 351

 Plant protection  ZIP FileEnglish

 Plant protectionPDF File

- - -
65. 357

 Catering management   ZIP FileEnglish  ZIP File Hindi

 Catering managementPDF File

- - -
66. 362

 Soil and Fertiliger Management  ZIP FileEnglish ZIP File Hindi

Soil and Fertiliger ManagementPDF File

- - -


  Certificate in Computer Application [Old]

  Certificate in Computer Application [REVISED]- Eng

  Certificate in Computer Application [REVISED]-Hindi

- - -
68. 463

 Dress Designing (Certificate in Ladies Wear) ZIP FileEnglish  ZIP File  Hindi

- - -
69. 601,701,602,702

 Electrical_Technician ZIP FileEnglish ZIP File Hindi

Electrical_Technician-(601-701)PDF File

- - -
70. 495,496,497,498,499

Yoga Teachers Training Programme (Hindi)ZIP File  Hindi  ZIP File English

- - -
71. 613

Certificate in Desktop Publishing ZIP File  English

- - -
72. 615

Certificate Course in Security Service ZIP File  English

- - -
73. 618

Certificate  in Mushroom Production Revised  (English)

Certificate  in Mushroom Production Revised-Theory (Hindi)PDF File

Certificate  in Mushroom Production Revised-Practical(Hindi)PDF File

Youtube link - -
74. 621

Certificate in Vermicomposting [REVISED]PDF File

Certificate in Vermicomposting [REVISED] ZIP File  English

Certificate in Vermicomposting [OLD] ZIP File  English ZIP File Hindi ZIP File Urdu

- - -
75. 626

Fire Prevention and Industrial Safety  ZIP File  English

- - -
76. 628

Certificate in Indian Embroidery [REVISED]  (Hindi PDF FileOpens in a new window)     (EnglishPDF FileOpens in a new window)

Certificate in Indian Embroidery [Old]  ZIP File  English   ZIP FileUrdu  ZIP File Hindi

- - -
77. 632

Certificate in Data Entry Operations  ZIP File  English

Certificate in Data Entry Operations(Hindi PDF File)

- - -
78. 633

Advanced Web Designing  ZIP File  English

- - -
79. 360

 होटल फ्रंट ऑफिस ऑपरेशन  ZIP File  Hindi   ZIP File English

- - -
80. 358

खाध संसाधन   ZIP File  Hindi    ZIP File English

- - -
81. 324/424

आशुलिपि   ZIP File  Hindi

- - -
82. 217

Typewriting  ZIP File  Hindi

- - -
83. 608

Basic Computing (Revised)

Hindi PDF File Opens in a new window          Sample Question Paper PDF File

English PDF File Opens in a new window          UrduPDF FileOpens in a new window 

- - -
84. 667

Yoga Assistant  ZIP File

Yoga Assistant (Hindi)PDF FileOpens in a new window

- - -
85. 322 - 422

Typewriting ZIP File Hindi

- - -
86. 356

House Keeping ZIP File Urdu   ZIP File  English 

- - -
87. 436,437,438,479

Certificate Course in Library Science (Chapter Wise)

 ZIP File Hindi ||  ZIP File English ||  ZIP File Practical   || Practical Manual (Hindi) PDF File Opens in a new window  || Practical Manual (English)   PDF File Opens in a new window 

- - -
88. 673

Bamboo Cultivation (673) 

- - -
89. 725



- - -
90. 726

Food and Beverage OperationsPDF File

- - -
91. 727

Housekeeping and MaintenancePDF File

- - -
92. 729


- - -
93. 718-719

Homeopathic Dispensing (718)

Homeopathic Dispensing (719)

होम्योपैथिक वितरण (718-719)

94. 734

Automotive Service Technician (Four Wheeler)-734PDF File Opens in a new window

95. 677

Drinking Water Purifier Technician (Theory)PDF File

Drinking Water Purifier Technician (Practical)PDF File

96. 739/740

Certificate in Institutional Leadership and ManagementPDF File Opens in a new window

Diploma in Institutional Leadership and ManagementPDF File Opens in a new window

Internship for  Diploma in Institutional Leadership and Management programmePDF File Opens in a new window

97. 678

Certificate in Organic Grower (Theory)PDF File Opens in a new window

Certificate in Organic Grower (Practical)PDF File Opens in a new window

Non Compliance Course

S.No. Course Code Name of The Course You tube Video YouTube Link (Sign Language) Training Schedule
1. 495-499 योग शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम  (Yoga Teacher Training Programme)   PDF File Youtube link Youtube link -
2. 456-460 Diploma in Insurance Services    ZIP File  (English) ZIP File Hindi Youtube link   - -
3. 354 -Furniture and Cabinet Nirman ZIP File HindiZIP File   English - - -
4. 412 Secretarial Practices (Hindi) - - -
5. - Computer and Office Applications - - -
6. - Basic Computing Skills - - -
7. - Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice - - -
8. 384-484 eTypewriting - - -
9. 474-477 Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology - - -
10. 811-822 प्रकर्तिक चिकित्सा एव योग विज्ञान मे डिप्लोमा  (Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science) - - -
11. 823-832 योग विज्ञान मे डिप्लोमा  - - -
- - - - - -


Important Links